Why People Are Turning to Psychics During the Covid19 Lockdown

Recent months has seen the world go through a period of great uncertainty and unfortunately, it looks as if things may remain this way for some time to come. The coronavirus pandemic has hit all areas of life across the world and has made making even the simplest of plans far more complicated than ever before.

For example, the new social distancing guidelines in many countries prevent people from meeting unless they are outside and there is plenty of space between them. This means that something as basic as a change in the weather can be hugely disruptive to plans and leave people stuck at home alone. Inevitably, people are feeling more lonely and isolated, and many have real worries about what the future may bring.

As a result, it is no surprise that more and more people are turning to psychics for help and guidance. Research has found that in Britain masses of people have been turning to psychics during the lockdown. According to Psychic World, who conducted the study, there have been close to 700,000 Google searches relating to finding psychic advice since the start of lockdown, and it is thought that as many as 80% of people have contacted psychics in recent months.

The study found that people were turning to psychics for a wide range of reasons. It found that 67% of people were looking for job advice, which comes as no surprise considering how fragile the job market has become and that a quarter of all UK employees have been furloughed with no real idea of when or if they will be returning to work.

Many were also looking for help with their love lives. Single people have been wondering when they will be able to return to the dating scene and when physical contact with non-family members will be possible once again. There is still a huge amount of uncertainty, and even with a gradual reopening, the dating scene is not going to be the same for some time to come. 

According to psychologists and psychotherapists, it is entirely normal for people to turn to psychics when faced with uncertainty. The psychotherapist Anna Mathur has been reported as explaining that with no authority figures able to give us any real certainty on the immediate future, people are understandably looking for someone to reassure them that they will still have work, family, and relationships in the future.

Amazingly, Google searches for “psychic predictions coronavirus” have surged by 250% in the last three months with people looking to alternative sources for answers. Similarly, there has been a big increase in people attending virtual church services, even amongst those who would never normally attend a physical service.

Worry and the Coronavirus

It is clearly a very worrying situation and there is nothing wrong with being concerned. The trick is to find the right way to respond to these concerns and a psychic can be a great aid during stressful situations.

It is important to differentiate between actual worries and potential worries. An actual worry is something that is grounded in reality, for instance if you have tested positive for the coronavirus, or even if you have just misplaced your keys. These are worries where it is able to maintain some kind of control and find practical ways to address them.

A potential worry is when you are concerned about something that has not yet happened but may do in the future. For instance, you may be worried about contracting the coronavirus or you may be worried that you will never find your soulmate. It doesn’t mean that there is nothing you can do about these worries. In regards to the coronavirus, there are clear guidelines designed to reduce the risks. It is when it comes to concerns about the things such as soulmates that a psychic is able to help. Just as medical experts have put together coronavirus guidelines, psychics are able to provide you with guidance on how to advance your love life, your career and so on.

People have not been turning to psychics for help with the coronavirus. Rather, they have been looking for assurances about the future, and this is exactly what a psychic is able to help with. A person may be worried about the future of their career. A psychic is able to assess whether big career changes are coming and help a person understand what the best course of action may be. Similarly, a person may be worried about how they will meet a partner and a psychic will help ensure that they are in the right place mentally and spiritually to do so.

Luckily, it does seem as if an end may be insight to the coronavirus pandemic. Countries across the world are reporting falling case numbers, slower infection rates, and more treatments that are successful are being found all of the time. Despite this, it continues to be a source of great stress for many, especially with the very real concerns about a potential second wave.

For as long as this continues, it seems likely that people will continue to turn to psychics. A psychic’s unique gifts are able to provide a kind of insight and reassurance that goes beyond political promises about reopenings. They can communicate with people on a deeper and more spiritual level and provide us with true comfort. They can also help us prepare for life after the coronavirus, give us an idea of what it may be like and how we be best prepared to take advantage of any opportunities that may come our way.

While you may not be able to visit a psychic under current social distancing guidelines. There are many truly gifted psychics operating online and over the telephone. They have a wide range of gifts and specialties, and are able to help people no matter where they are physically located. Anyone suffering from additional worry brought on by the lockdown should certainly consider turning to a psychic for guidance through this difficult time.

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