March Horoscopes for All 12 Star Signs

If you are wondering what the stars have in store for you over the next few weeks, then look no further. Here you can find March horoscope for each of the twelve star signs.

Aries & Aries Rising – March 21 to April 19

You need to dig deep this month to try to break away from your regular patterns and habits as doing so can bring you great rewards. At the same time, you should be sure to set yourself firm boundaries in all of your relationships, both at work and in your personal life. Put effort into separating yourself from things that provide you with aspects of what you like but not all of what you need, as they are ultimately detrimental to your journey. Be on the lookout for an event or situation that may require you to put yourself before all else, and be sure to put yourself first. Try to take this attitude to all aspects of your day-to-day life, from your breakfast to your sleep. Only by treating yourself correctly and setting an example to yourself will others learn to treat you in the same way.

Taurus & Taurus Rising – April 20 to May 20

This month be aware of situations where you are your own worst enemy and do everything in your power to avoid them. Avoid trying to repeatedly fix an external situation and instead focus on yourself. Try to take a realistic approach of where you are at present, but without losing sight of reality, and you will soon be reaping the rewards. The planets are sending you encouragement and with a few tips in the right direction, you can begin to make real progress towards achieving your goals. Don’t be afraid to set difficult targets and take some risks. With the right kind of self-belief, you will find yourself well on the way to success.

Gemini & Gemini Rising – May 21 to June 20

You may feel an urgent desire to organise your home-life and this may manifest itself with some deep cleaning at home. The cleaning is likely to be therapeutic and as your cleanse the hard to reach areas, you may find yourself sorting through feelings about your family and other loved ones. Be sure to prioritise any activity that leaves you feeling cleansed, both physically and spiritually. As the month progresses, you should begin to focus less on your home and inner life and move your focus to the subject of your career. There may be a great deal of ups and downs throughout the month with both breakthroughs and destructive miscommunications. However, this should serve as a reminder that unless you are clear about your goals and what you are trying to achieve, then the decisions might be taken out of your hands. Be sure to stay focused on what is important to you and keep sight of it no matter what is going on around you, as it will help to keep you anchored.

Cancer & Cancer Rising – June 21 to July 22

This month you will find yourself focusing on your relationships, seeking to define what you want from them and what you are contributing to them. Whether these relationships are professional, friendships, or romantic, you need to give all of them the attention they deserve. Whatever happens, be sure to pay attention to your role within them. Try to understand how others see your role within the relationship, what this teaches you about power dynamics within the relationship, and how you can use this to build upon them. As a natural leader, it will be up to you to bring the best out of those around you. Understanding dynamics within relationship can be a great aid to personal growth and the conditions in March are perfect for you to take advantage of this.

Leo & Leo Rising – July 23 to August 22

This month the conditions are perfect for you to try to advance your career. Do not be afraid to share your original ideas, solutions and strategies with those around you, as they are likely to be highly receptive to them. Have the confidence to express yourself and believe in your ideas, even if they seem a little off the wall. You should even go further, try to develop your ideas and don’t be afraid to let your creative juices run wild. While others may criticise, have the self-belief to know what is valid and what can be used constructively. Towards the end of the month, the conditions may be right for you to reap some financial rewards for the consistent hard work you have been putting in professionally. Be sure to seize every opportunity and you may find your work reaching the next level.

Virgo & Virgo Rising – August 23 to September 22

The March full moon will shine on Virgos in the coming weeks. The hard work you have been putting into your relationships in recent times will start to bear fruit and you will soon be enjoying rewards. The first half of March may bring with it a number of successes and these will help your self-confidence grow. This brings with it a good opportunity to review your long-term plans. It may be time to set yourself more aspiring goals as you come to a better understanding of ambitions that you have been suppressing. Don’t be afraid to release them and see what effects they will have on your life. While it may require some hard work to realise them, this month is the perfect opportunity to build faith in them.

Libra & Libra Rising – September 23 to October 22

This month the planets give you the opportunity to gain a better understanding of what drives you, what you need and what you believe in. It will take some courage and may leave you feeling a bit emotionally raw, but could bear some valuable fruits. Do not dismiss any insights that you gain, even if they seem contrary to what you already believe about yourself. Try to gently probe the past and see what it will reveal to you about your future. Take the chance to remove things that weigh you down but be honest about what you need to continue and what provides strength, even if it is a difficult process.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising – October 23 to November 21

Your steady relationships may need some new life breathed into them this month. Be sure to remain open to any opportunities for adventures that arise that both you and your partner will enjoy. The conditions are right for your relationship to undergo a great deal of growth, but you must be sure to balance the serious side of things with some fun. If you do not focus on both people in the relationship having fun, then you may struggle to firm up the foundations. In any relationship, whether it is at work or a romance, if we are solely trying to fill a hole within ourselves then it will be hard for the relationship to grow. This March, the conditions are right for you to find great joy with the right kind of partners. Don’t forget that relationships all evolve with time, so instead of focusing on what has been, be open to new feelings and situations.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising – November 22 – December 21

This March gives you the opportunity to receive the professional praise that you have been looking for. Be sure to remember that ambitious projects require hard work and patience; Rome wasn’t built in a day. However, you must also look for the pleasure in the work. Now is the opportunity to bring new energies to your work projects and they will be most fruitful if you find the personal joy in them. This way you will attract others to join your projects and it will inspire in them a renewed sense of commitment. Try not to become too weighed down, keep things fun and express gratitude to those around you, and you will soon find yourself well on the way to success.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising – December 22 to January 19

You are naturally a highly ambitious person and this is a wonderful attribute; you seek to accomplish what makes others are timid. However, be sure to keep this in check and don’t let it run away with itself. This month there is a danger of exactly this, but if you are aware of it, then it can be avoided. March brings with it the chance to take advantage of new opportunities, but possibly too many of them. Be sure not to over excerpt yourself, find a level of work that you can sustain. Take advantage of the best of these opportunities and be prepared to say no to those that are lower priority. This way, you should have a highly productive month.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising – January 20 to February 18

This month may be one of the most defining months of the year for you. Saturn is coming into your sign for the first time since 1994, giving you the chance to redefine yourself. However, this is not an easy thing and in order to do so, you will have to ensure that you set yourself firm boundaries. Be prepared that this may cause some upset to those around you; a person’s self-discovery can often leave others feeling uncomfortable with the change. Take the chance to dedicate yourself to those projects that are important to you, even if they require a great deal of effort. Have faith in yourself and your abilities, put distractions to the side, and enjoy the opportunities that March is bringing.

Pisces & Pisces Rising – February 19 to March 20

The start of March could see you struggle to develop the talents that are important to you, but it can also be an opportunity to grow. The more you see the value of your talents and where they can lead you, the more you will be able to protect and nurture them. As the month progresses things will become easier and more pleasurable. Be sure to make the effort to spend time with those who bring you joy and make efforts to develop these relationships. By the end of March, you should be feeling a sense of accomplishment, both in regards to your talents and in your personal life.

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Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.
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