April’s Horoscopes and Astrological Insights for Signs of the Zodiac

Discover your April horoscope and what the alignment of the planets has in store for you over the next few weeks.

Aries & Aries Rising – March 21 to April 19

This month you should be focusing on your role in your various networks, such as your friends and colleagues. Be aware of who you can support during the current difficult times and those who you only see when the going is good. Do not worry about the quantity of friends, rather focus on quality and work towards building a good community. Over the coming years you will be seeking friends that you can look up to and who serve as role models. You will lose interest in superficial friendships and instead, begin to focus on those that provide lasting meaning and improve over time.

Taurus & Taurus Rising – April 20 to May 20

Now is the time to try to focus on your career and to be cautious of those who are trying to influence you. Focus on what you most want to do when you are aiming to please yourself rather than someone else. What gives you a sense of accomplishment and what is it that you feel you want to contribute to the world. When you start to address these types of questions, you will begin to gain clarity on where you should be aiming with your career. Saturn is making its first moves through Aquarius and this will help provide clarity. The more thought you give to your intentions and goals, the more you will achieve in the coming weeks.

Gemini & Gemini Rising – May 21 to June 20

In the coming weeks you need to spend time thinking about what future plans you truly want to pursue. Make sure you have the space to give proper thought to what you would find fulfilling rather than what you feel is expected of you or what you feel pressurised into doing. If you do not, then you will find that you are not able to advance and it will be hugely frustrating. It doesn’t matter if you pick a goal that will require a large amount of hard work, it will be worth it in the end as long as you have chosen sensibly. Be sure to approach the task with discipline and structure. Find out what really motivates you and you will soon find yourself making great strides forward.

Cancer & Cancer Rising – June 21 to July 22

As Saturn journeys through Aquarius, it is a sign that you should be spending your energies wisely. You will greatly benefit from a true understanding of your role in every situation and what is unnecessary energy expenditure. Give thought to where your true talents lie and what will allow them to flourish. Where you can be and where you are expected to be, do not worry about being generous. However, be sure not to do other people’s jobs for them. Focus on your role and trust others to fulfil theirs. However, be sure that everyone in your team is aware of what is expected of them and this way, you will be operating in a calm and efficient environment.

Leo & Leo Rising – July 23 to August 22

Now is the time to begin re-examining your interaction with others and what they expect of you. It is the time to review what has been agreed in the past both professionally and in your friendships and relationship. You should be focusing on relationships that are at the point where you can work together to grow and mature. Be aware of how you are dealing with the disconnects between you and others and there lies to key to reconnecting with yourself. However, be patient, this is not a quick process and it takes time. Find new ways to spend time with your partner but at the same time, always remain true to yourself so as to make sure the process is as fruitful as possible.

Virgo & Virgo Rising – August 23 to September 22

Focus on the acts that will help you work through any hard to handle emotions that you are experiencing. You will feel better once you have removed any habits that hinder your best efforts. It is time to focus on taking pride in jobs that were done well, even if they were not necessarily heavily praised. You will gain immense satisfaction when you know that you have truly done your best through hard and diligent work. While it may feel a slow process, the skills that you are currently working on will eventually become some of your best achievements. However, this requires you to be patient with yourself. Not everything can be controlled, but it can be navigated with care.

Libra & Libra Rising – September 23 to October 22

Be aware that your creative projects require true discipline and dedication if you are to achieve your desired results, even if this seems particularly difficult in the current situation. Remember that the effort will be worth it and keep your eyes on the goal. At the same time, be wary of whom you listen to and whose opinions you value. Be sure to remain truly self-aware and not to let others talk you down. In the coming years it will be important that you are aware of which creative projects will bring you success, but also you should be aware of which will give you a sense of satisfaction and self-respect.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising – October 23 to November 21

Over the coming months you will experience a great deal of growth in your home life. You will be learning to turn your house into a true home, how to properly settle in to it, and to discover what opportunities this will lead to. While much of the world will be undergoing a similar process, for you the process can lead to a far bigger transition that for others. Beyond just spending extra time at home, you will begin to undergo a process of becoming more familiar with your origin, your personal stories, and truths about yourself. You should use the time to try to gain a real understanding of where you come from, learn to accept all aspects of your history, and allow it to help you flourish in your endeavours.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising – November 22 – December 21

Be sure to be extra careful about how you are spending your time. Recognise that it is a precious commodity and once gone, it cannot be retrieved. Saturn travelling through Aquarius is a sign that you should spend your time wisely. Give careful consideration to what you wish to do, what you have the energy to do, and what you are truly capable of doing. Plan a timeline and prioritise. Do not spend energy on tasks that are unachievable. You will find your responsibilities growing over the coming months and this will force you to prioritise. Start the process now so that you can crystallise ideas of what is truly important. Don’t be afraid of projects that will bring great satisfaction but be sure to plan properly to give yourself time to rest and recover.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising – December 22 to January 19

The last few years have been tough with great responsibilities, strict deadlines, and general adult duties. While you have been under great pressure, you have also discovered some real strengths and talents that you should be taking pride in. However, now Saturn has changed sign, it is a sign that you should shift your focus towards developing a more thoughtful approach to life. Be sure to spend time investing in yourself and your development. You are capable of great things but need to use your time wisely to make sure you do not take on too much.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising – January 20 to February 18

Be aware that you may end up neglecting yourself if you try to be everything to everyone. Saturn has returned to your sign and this will see you being asked to take on more challenging tasks that ultimately should increase your self-respect. However, you must be careful not to shirk your responsibilities and you must be truly honest about what you are capable of. This does not mean that you should avoid challenges and opportunities. In fact, you should seize them while making sure to consider carefully what they will require and approach them with complete honesty. After making a decision, you will have to give your all so it is vital that you choose wisely.

Pisces & Pisces Rising – February 19 to March 20

Saturn’s move into Aquarius will see you becoming more serious about your secondary projects, your self-care and your psychological health. You should be taking the opportunity to give thought to what you can achieve privately and away from the criticisms of others. You need to guard your new creative projects in order to give them the chance to flourish before they can be knocked down. Be careful of the opinion of others as they may lead to too much self-doubt. Instead, follow your intuition and trust your instincts while being aware of your true motivations. Doing so could lead to great successes over the coming years.

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Quote of the day
Don't use all-or-nothing thinking. Take each day as its own day, and don't worry about it if you mess up one day. The most important thing you can do is just get back up on the horse.
Henry Cloud