Chelsie McLeod Turns to Psychics for Love Life Help

Fans of the television show The Bachelor will likely have been shocked when Chelsie McLeod split from the 2019 Bachelor Matt Agnew just six weeks after the final episode was shown in November last year.

Now, the newly single McLeod has revealed that she has received some bad news from a psychic who told her that she will not meet anyone new for a number of years. Recently, McLeod shared an Instagram Stories question and answer session in which she said that she had just consulted with a psychic.

According to McLeod, “She [the psychic] said I wouldn't meet someone for four years, so that's a bit grim – as in a guy. Ripped my dating life.” She then went on to discuss the coronavirus lockdown saying that she has had to miss a friend’s wedding in Bali and withdraw from a trip around the world due to the outbreak and the associated restrictions.

However, on a brighter note, McLeod said that her psychic predicted that the lockdowns will be over by September.

Speaking about her split from Matt, McLeod said that she felt grief stricken when they split up and said that she began reading about the five stages of grief to help her cope. She also said that exercise helped a great deal, “Getting out into nature. I love putting all my energy into fitness. Helped me get over things. I took my anger out on weights”.

Giving advice to others who have suffered bad breakups, McLeod said, “Grieve. Let yourself grieve. Cry in bed in you want to. Eat bad food if you want to. Do whatever makes you happy.” She also recommended calling on friends to surround you to provide support and said that Zoë Foster Blake's book Break-Up Boss was a great help.

McLeod’s Impressive Background

While some may be quick to dismiss Chelsea McLeod as an airheaded star of a reality show, this would in fact be doing her a great disservice. She is a highly impressive individual and not someone who would consult a psychic lightly.

While many viewers of The Bachelor were impressed with Matt Agnew’s intelligence, McLeod is an easy match for him in this department. Not only does she have a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering, but she completed the degree in just two years rather than the normal four to five.

That wasn’t the end of McLeod’s university studies. After completing her undergraduate studies at Melbourne University, she went on to do a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering as well, which she completed in 2014. This is no easy feat and those interested in psychics will note how a clearly talented scientist is still willing to put her faith in the less tangible gifts that psychics possess.

Following her Master’s degree, McLeod took a job at WaterWerx where she worked as a trainer in the Water Quality Performance division. It is an extremely important and demanding job and impressively, it was McLeod’s job to train others to do it. She also worked as a process engineer. In this job, she had to generate biogas, improve water quality and assess costs. She performed this job at a number of different water plants throughout Victoria, including the Gippsland Water Factory and Gippsland Water.

When to Consult a Love Psychic

Clearly, McLeod puts great faith in her psychic’s abilities and it is likely that she consulted about far more than just her love life. The fact that she chose to share what her psychic said with fans is a clear sign that is unashamed about turning to a psychic for advice.

A Love Psychic can be a great help to anyone who is worried about his or her love life. Whether you are in a relationship or not, a love psychic can provide valuable insights and help you work towards the relationship of your dreams. The stereotype of a psychic telling you that there a handsome stranger in your future is clearly not true; one just needs to look at McLeod’s experience to realize that. Rather, a psychic will be examining your auras and energies to see what they reveal about your current and future relationships.

If your current relationship is suffering and you are not sure why, a love psychic is able to look at your energies help find the source of the problems. They will then be able to help you find ways to work through the issues and put the relationship back on track. If you are currently single then a love psychic will be able to see if there is anything in your energies that is preventing you from forming the type of relationship you want.

When consulting with a love psychic it is important to retain an open mind and not to expect very detailed answers. McLeod’s psychic revealed that she is likely to remain single for four years. This is typical of the kind of answer a psychic may give. However, it is possible to examine these answers in more depth with the psychic and it is likely that McLeod did this, even if she didn’t choose to share what was said in public.

A love psychic is able to work with you on ‘blocks’ that may be preventing you from fully committing to a relationship. They can also help you work through the aftermath of a relationship that has left you with a broken heart, and this way help prepare you for your next relationship. In other words, it doesn’t matter what stage of a relationship you are at, a love psychic has a wide array of tools to help you with.

What Next for McLeod

Since the end of The Bachelor, McLeod has found herself at the center of a great deal of attention and she is probably still getting used to. It will be interesting to see if she takes the psychic’s words to heart and puts her dating life on hold, or if she continues to work towards her perfect relationship. After all, almost everyone has to go through a few bad relationships before they find the perfect one.

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